Parents Corner

Awareness Among Parents

“Parentage is a very important profession, but no test of fitness for it is ever imposed in the interest of the children.”

Parents play an important role in the upbringing of a child. A child arrives in this world like a guest with a mind of a blank state, but has immense capabilities. The parents’ feelings are hurt if the child does not fulfill its capabilities. The parents wish that their child should be the best in each field. Having such passion is justified. Parents crave that their child should be a doctor, professor, engineer or a scientist. But this is a wrong thinking. When a child achieves a goal of its own interest, then it can flourish full fledged in that field.

At times, parents are not liberal in giving the child what they insist. It is a restriction for a child to play in the rain or go out. Such an important and beautiful moment may not arrive in its life again. Thus, freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
A parent should follow the following points:

Not to be partial
Let the children earn their pleasures (Before it is too late)
Have meals together (Exchange mental notes)
Make the child’s goal, your goal.
Make education the life’s goal.
Prefer good qualities.
Always be positive.
Teach time management.
Teach to be independent
Teach values
Give responsibility.
Some of the incorrect ways of parents are:

Giving double-treatment (Mother pampers, father scolds)
Do not give gifts to suppers’s your guilt feelings, instead give quality time.
Take interest in child’s education.

Thus, by following the above things, “The affection you get back from children is sixpence given as change for a sovereign.”

High Standards for Teaching

We have set high standards for ourselves and our staff to follow and they are :

To teach my students is my hobby.
I always prepare well before teaching my students.
I am always friendly with my students.
I want them to do regular follow up work.
I want them to be very attentive while I am teaching.
I always co-relate an interesting situation while I teach my unit.
I want my students to use library, laboratory, atlas, dictionary, other teaching/learning aids.
I wish that they keep aware of day to day developments of India and the world.
We feel, that there are seven things what parents need to abide by :

Not to be an improver, not to mix praise and criticism and avoid immediate feedback.
Never tease your child.
Don’t continually deny their feelings, acknowledge disappointment of your child with respect.
Not to praise your child so much that he / she stops believing in you, praise with honesty.
Don’t give false threats, try replacing threat with a promise.
Show love in action, don’t hide.
Give a pat, a gift, an outing or a note of praise, give an account – take notice.